About us

Reason For Our Name
One of our most commonly asked questions is "Where does the Chubby Chico Charms name come from?" It is a distinctive name and has an interesting story behind it.
While the company was still in its infancy, another infant was also due. Owner Bianca Alicea was expecting and her pregnancy was very difficult. Although it was known that she was going to deliver a baby boy, no name had been chosen at the time because everyone was focused solely on the health and wellness of mommy and baby. Everyone asked how she and the little "chico" (meaning boy in Spanish) were doing.
Bianca was able to make it to the third trimester and finally delivered a premature baby boy that she named Xavier. Thankfully, he was perfectly healthy and weighed in at just over six pounds!
Xavier quickly gained weight and became a chubby baby boy. Being the newest member of a large family, he had many visitors, all of whom continued to call him chico. "Where is that chubby chico?" and "How is chubby chico?" were heard often in house throughout that time, so when it came to naming the growing new charm company, Chubby Chico Charms appeared to be the perfect fit!